University departments, schools, faculties and institutes: support for divestment and disassociation from fossil fuels

As South African teachers, researchers and students, we recognise the profound threat to all humanity posed by climate change, mostly caused by the emissions of the fossil fuel industry that is still almost universally failing to cut emissions at the speed demanded by science and international agreement.

Acknowledging international precedents, we recognise that the fossil fuel industry seeks affiliations with academic institutions to launder misinformation, gild reputations and mute academic disclosure and criticism of its environmental and human rights impacts, raising significant concerns around academic neutrality and conflicts of interest.

Divestment and decarbonisation

We support the principles of

  • fossil fuel divestment,

  • reinvestment in sustainable alternatives,

  • and the decarbonisation and humanisation of campus infrastructure.

Disassociation and transparency

We will

  • end relationships with fossil fuel companies wherever possible;

  • actively disclose all remaining financial and beneficial ties to such companies;

  • ensure that these relationships are in compliance with our research ethics standards,

  • and will always note the full emissions and climate impacts of those companies in relevant future research and public communications.

Note: This is a draft form of this statement, so please do not sign on yet.




Our Fossil Ad Ban campaign's response on the ARB verdict