Fossil Free South Africa – Jo'burg launch 20 November

Johannesburg launch: 20 November 2014
Time: 17h30 for 18h00
Venue: St Francis Anglican Church, 44 Tyrone Avenue, Parkview
Keynote speakers: TBC

Why: The danger of climate change is accelerating. But fossil fuel companies are still hell-bent on burning five times as much oil, gas and coal as the Earth can safely absorb. Meanwhile governments are failing to meet their own targets for cutting emissions. So how do we ordinary people of the world secure our human rights and our future? A fast-growing international movement says the answer is going after what fossil fuel companies care about most – their profits. As Fossil Free South Africa, we're asking universities and investors of all stripes to withdraw investments in fossil fuels and redirect it to the clean energy revolution. It's just the right thing to do.

We've been working at UCT for a year on this campaign. Now it's time to fundraise, scale up and go nationwide.

Attend our launches across SA. Register your support. Please RSVP here and pass on this invitation.

Endorsed by:

  • Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu,

  • UCT Green Campus Initiative,

  • SAFCEI, 

  • 350 Africa,

  • Earthlife Africa,

  • Treasure the Karoo Action Group and others.


Fossil Free updates


Save the date! Our Cape Town launch on 12 November